As part of the project EHFARS (partners: CSC group at the MPI Magdeburg and P. Ezzatti from Universidad de la Republica in Montevideo) funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research BMBF in a federal effort supporting the internationalization of research and economy, the Scientific Computing Team of the Computational Methods in Systems and Control Theory group at the MPI in Magdeburg is holding the initiation workshop entitled "Power-Aware Computing PACO2015" at the MPI. The workshop aims at bringing together experts in the field in a 3 day event.
For the scientific program the workshop searches for contributions on any development that reports power or energy savings in a computational system. The interests include, but are not limited to:
Talks: 25 minutes +5 minutes for discussion. We will provide laptop (Adobe Reader 11 and PowerPoint 2010) and data projector for the presentation.
Posters: If the number of registered participants is unexpectedly high we would like to have some results be presented as part of a poster session.
Abstracts: The abstract submission is open. Please check the submission page for more information about the submission procedure.
The registration is open. We are expecting around 30 participants. Due to the kind support from our sponsors we can offer the workshop without any registration fee in case this number is not exceeded. (Note that this does not cover accomodation or travel expenses unless you are an invited speaker)
The Workshop will take place in the main Seminar room at the MPI. For travel and accomodation information please see Directions |
In case of any questions please send an email to
The basic expenses and invited talks are funded by the BMBF Project "Energiebewusstes Hochleistungsrechnen mit Fallstudien in Anwendungen der Regelungs- und Steuerungstheorie (EHFARS)".
The conference dinner and lunch break are supported by MegWare.