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Veröffentlichungen: Computational Methods in Systems and Control Theory

/author = {E. B{\\\"a}nsch and P. Benner and J. Saak and H.~K. Weichelt}/,
/title = {Optimal Control-Based Feedback Stabilization of Multi-Field Flow Problems}/,
/booktitle = {Trends in PDE Constrained Optimization}/,
/editor = {G\\\"unter Leugering and Peter Benner and Sebastian Engell and Andreas Griewank and Helmut Harbrecht and Michael Hinze and Rolf Rannacher and Stefan Ulbrich}/,
/series = {International Series of Numerical Mathematics}/,
/volume = 165/,
/publisher = {Birkh{\\\"a}user}/,
/year = {2014}/,
/pages = {173--188} }

©2024, Max Planck Society, Munich
Jens Saak, jens.saak@mathematik.tu-chemnitz.de
23 September 2019