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Dr. Jens Saak
MPI Magdeburg > CSC > Mitarbeiter > Jens Saak > Publications


BibTeX entries for the listed publications can be found following the links in the first column.

Submitted Articles

type = {E-Print},
title = {Towards a {{Benchmark Framework}} for {{Model Order Reduction}} in the {{Mathematical Research Data Initiative}} ({{MaRDI}})},
author = {Benner, Peter and Lund, Kathryn and Saak, Jens},
year = {2023},
number = {2307.00137},
pages = {1--8},
institution = {{arXiv}},
doi = {10.48550/arXiv.2307.00137} }
Towards a Benchmark Framework for Model Order Reduction in the Mathematical Research Data Initiative (MaRDI);
Benner, Peter; Lund, Kathryn; Saak, Jens;
doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2307.00137.

Articles in Journals

@String { NumerAlg = {Numer. Algorithms} } @Article{BenPS22,
author = {Benner, P. and Palitta, D. and Saak, J.},
title = {On an integrated Krylov-ADI solver for large-scale Lyapunov equations},
journal = NumerAlg,
year = 2022,
volume = {},
number = {},
doi = {10.1007/s11075-022-01409-5},
On an integrated Krylov-ADI solver for large-scale Lyapunov equations ;
Benner, P.; Palitta, D.; Saak, J.;
Numerical Algorithms  :  online first;
Springer; 2022.
@STRING{SIAMSciComp = {{SIAM} J. Sci. Comput.}} @Article{morHunMMetal22,
author = {Hund, M. and Mitchell, T. and Mlinari{\'c}, P. and Saak, J.},
title = {Optimization-based Parametric Model Order Reduction via $\mathcal{H}_2 \otimes \mathcal{L}_2$ First-order Necessary Conditions},
journal = SIAMSciComp,
year = 2022,
volume = 44,
number = 3,
pages = {A1554--A1578},
doi = {10.1137/21M140290X} }
Optimization-based parametric model order reduction via H2 x L2 first-order necessary conditions;
Hund, M.; Mitchell, T.; Mlinarić, P. and Saak, J.;
SIAM J. Sci. Comput  :  vol. 44, no. 3 pp. A1554-A1578;
SIAM; 2022.
code available on Zenodo.
author = {Vettermann J. and Steinert, A. and Brecher, C. and Benner, P. and Saak, J.},
title = {Compact thermo-mechanical models for the fast simulation of machine tools with nonlinear component behavior},
journal = atAutom,
year = 2022,
volume = 70,
number = 8,
pages = {692--704},
doi = {10.1515/auto-2022-0029} }
Compact Thermo-Mechanical Models for the Fast Simulation of Machine Tools with Nonlinear Component Behavior;
J. Vettermann, A. Steinert, C. Brecher, P. Benner, and J. Saak;
at-Automatisierungstechnik  :  vol. 70 no. 8 pp. 692-704;
author = {Fehr, J. and Himpe, C. and Rave, S. and Saak, J.},
title = {Sustainable Research Software Hand-Over},
journal = {Journal of Open Research Software},
year = 2021,
volume = 9,
number = 1,
pages = 5,
month = apr,
doi = {10.5334/jors.307} }
Sustainable research software hand-over;
Fehr, Jörg; Himpe, Christian; Rave, Stephan and Saak, Jens;
Journal of Open Research Software  :  9(1), p.5;
Ubiquity Press ; 2021.
J35Efficient Solution of Large-Scale Algebraic Riccati Equations Associated with Index-2 DAEs via the Inexact Low-Rank Newton-ADI Method;
Peter Benner, Matthias Heinkenschloss, Jens Saak, Heiko K. Weichelt;
Applied and Numerical Mathematics  :  
Elsevier; 2019.
@STRING{atAutom = {at-Auto\-mati\-sie\-rungs\-tech\-nik}} @ARTICLE{morSaaSW19,
author = {Saak, J. and Siebelts, D. and Werner, S.~W.~R.},
title = {A comparison of second-order model order reduction methods for an artificial fishtail},
journal = atAutom,
volume = {67},
number = {8},
pages = {648--667},
year = 2019,
doi = {10.1515/auto-2019-0027} }
A Comparison of Second-Order Model Order Reduction Methods for an Artificial Fishtail
Saak, Jens; Siebelts, Dirk and Werner, Steffen W. R.;
at - Automatisierungstechnik  :  vol. 67, nr. 8;
deGruyter; 2019.
author = "Benner, P. and Bujanović, Z. and K{\"u}rschner, P. and Saak, J.",
title = "{RADI: A low-rank ADI-type algorithm for large scale algebraic Riccati equations}",
year = 2018,
journal = "Numer. Math.",
number="2" }
RADI: A low-rank ADI-type algorithm for large scale algebraic Riccati equations;
Benner, Peter; Bujanović, Zvonimir; Kürschner, Patrick; Saak, Jens;
Numerische Mathematik  :  vol. 138(2), pp. 301–330;
@String { CPE = {Concurrency and Comput.: Pract. Exper.} } @Article{BenDEetal18,
author = {Benner, P. and Dufrechou, E. and Ezzatti, P. and Rem\'on,
A. and Saak, J.},
title = {A {GPU} aware mixed precision solver for low rank algebraic {R}iccati equations},
journal = CPE,
year = 2018,
volume = 31,
number = 6,
month = feb,
doi = {10.1002/cpe.4462} }
A GPU aware mixed precision solver for low-rank algebraic Riccati equations;
Benner, Peter; Dufrechou, Ernesto; Ezzatti, Pablo, Remón, Alfredo;Saak, Jens;
Concurrency Computat Res Exp  :  vol. 31(6) Special Issue: Power‐Aware Computing (PACO2017);
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; 2018.
@String { CPE = {Concurrency and Comput.: Pract. Exper.} } @Article{KoeS18,
author = {K\"{o}hler, Martin and Saak, Jens},
title = {Frequency Scaling and Energy Efficiency regarding the Gauss-Jordan Elimination Scheme with Application to the Matrix-Sign-Function on OpenPOWER 8},
journal = CPE,
year = 2018,
volume = 31,
number = 6,
month = apr,
doi = {doi.org/10.1002/cpe.4504} }
Frequency Scaling and Energy Efficiency regarding the Gauss-Jordan Elimination Scheme with Application to the Matrix-Sign-Function on OpenPOWER 8;
Köhler, Martin; Saak, Jens;
in Ezzatti, Pablo; Quintana-Qrtí Enrique; Remon, Alfredo; Saak, Jens;: Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience  :  vol. 31(6) Special Issue: Power‐Aware Computing (PACO2017);
@STRING{MCMDS = {Math. Comput. Model. Dyn. Syst.}} @ARTICLE{morHunS18,
author = {Hund, M. and Saak, J.},
title = {A Connection Between Time Domain Model Order Reduction and Moment Matching for {LTI} Systems},
journal = MCMDS,
volume = 24,
number = 5,
pages = {455--484},
year = {2018},
doi = {10.1080/13873954.2018.1488742} }
A Connection Between Time Domain Model Order Reduction and Moment Matching for LTI Systems;
Manuela Hund and Jens Saak;
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems  :  vol. 24(5), pp. 455-484;
author = {Benner, P. and Herzog, R. and Lang, N. and Riedel, I. and Saak, J.},
title = {Comparison of Model Order Reduction Methods for Optimal Sensor Placement for Thermo-Elastic Models},
journal = {Engineering Optimization},
year = 2018,
doi = {10.1080/0305215X.2018.1469133} }
Comparison of Model Order Reduction Methods for Optimal Sensor Placement for Thermo-Elastic Models;
Peter Benner; Roland Herzog; Norman Lang; Ilka Riedel; Jens Saak;
Engineering Optimization  :  
Taylor & Francis; 2018.
DOI: 10.1080/0305215X.2018.1469133.
author = {Saak, J. and Voigt, M.},
title = {Model reduction of constrained mechanical systems in {M-M.E.S.S.}},
journal = {{IFAC-PapersOnLine} 9th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling {MATHMOD} 2018, Vienna, Austria, 21--23 February 2018},
volume = {51},
number = {2},
pages = {661--666},
year = {2018},
doi = {10.1016/j.ifacol.2018.03.112},
Model reduction of constrained multi-body systems in M-M.E.S.S.;
Saak, Jens and Voigt, Matthias;
Proceedings of 9th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling;
IFAC Online; 2018.
@Article {BarBHetal18a,
author = {Baran, B. and Benner, P. and Heiland, J. and Saak, J.},
title = {Optimal Control of a {S}tefan Problem Fully Coupled with Incompressible {N}avier--{S}tokes Equations and Mesh Movement},
journal = {Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta: Seria Matematica},
year = 2018,
volume = {XXVI},
number = 2,
pages = {11--40},
month = aug,
fauthor = {Baran, Björn and Benner, Peter and Heiland, Jan and Saak,
publisher = {Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Ovidius University},
address = {Constanta, Romania},
repo = {git@gitlab.mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de:baran/JAMC_paper.git},
doi = {10.2478/auom-2018-0016} }
Optimal Control of a Stefan Problem Fully Coupled with Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations and Mesh Movement;
Baran, Björn; Benner, Peter; Heiland, Jan and Saak, Jens;
Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta  :  Seria Matematica, Volume XXVI (2018) fascicola 2;
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Ovidius University, Constanta, Romania; 2017.
author = {Benner,
Peter and K{\"u}rschner, Patrick and Saak,
title = {Frequency-Limited Balanced Truncation with Low-Rank Approximations},
journal = {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing},
volume = {38},
number = {1},
pages = {A471-A499},
year = {2016},
doi = {10.1137/15M1030911},
URL = { https://dx.doi.org/10.1137/15M1030911},
Frequency-Limited Balanced Truncation with Low-Rank Approximations;
Benner, Peter; Kürschner, Patrick; Saak, Jens; ;
SIAM J. Sci. Comput.  :  38(1), pp. A471-A499;
SIAM; 2016.
title = "An inexact low-rank Newton-ADI method for large-scale algebraic Riccati equations ",
author = "Benner, Peter and Heinkenschloss, Matthias and Saak,
Jens and Weichelt, Heiko~K.",
journal = ApplNumMath,
volume = 108,
pages = "125--142",
year = 2016,
month = oct,
issn = "0168-927",
doi = "10.1016/j.apnum.2016.05.006",
url = "https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168927416300824" }
Inexact low-rank Newton-ADI method for large-scale algebraic Riccati equations;
Benner, Peter; Heinkenschloss, Matthias; Saak, Jens; Weichelt, Heiko K.;
Appl. Numer. Math.  :  vol. 108, pp. 125-142;
Elsevier; 2016.
author = {Peter Benner and Patrick K{\"u}rschner and Jens Saak},
title = {Low-Rank Newton-ADI methods for Large Nonsymmetric Algebraic Riccati Equations},
year = 2015,
volume = {353},
number = {5},
pages ={1147–1167},
journal={Journal of The Franklin Institute},
Low-Rank Newton-ADI methods for Large Nonsymmetric Algebraic Riccati Equations;
Benner, Peter; Kürschner, Patrick; Saak, Jens;
Journal of The Franklin Institute  :  353(5), pp 1147–1167;
Elsevier; 2016.
author = {J. Fehr and J. Heiland and C. Himpe and J. Saak},
title = {Best Practices for Replicability, Reproducibility and Reusability of Computer-Based Experiments Exemplified by Model Reduction Software},
journal = {AIMS Mathematics},
volume = {1},
number = {3},
pages = {261--281},
year = {2016},
doi = {10.3934/Math.2016.3.261} }
Best Practices for Replicability, Reproducibility and Reusability of Computer-Based Experiments Exemplified by Model Reduction Software;
Fehr, Jörg; Heiland, Jan; Himpe, Christian and Saak, Jens;
AIMS Mathematics  :  vol. 1(3), pp. 261-281;
AIMS Press; 2016.
@String { NumerAlg = {Numer. Algorithms} } @Article{AnzCSetal16,
Title = {Updating Incomplete Factorization Preconditioners for Model Order Reduction},
Author = {Anzt, H. and Chow, E. and Saak, J. and Dongarra, J},
Journal = NumerAlg,
Year = {2016},
Doi = {10.1007/s11075-016-0110-2},
volume = 73,
number = 3,
pages = {611--630},
month = feb }
Updating Incomplete Factorization Preconditioners for Model Order Reduction;
Hartwig Anzt , Edmond Chow , Jens Saak , Jack Dongarra;
Numerical Algorithms  :  vol. 73 (3), pp. 611–630;
Springer; 2016.
author = {K\"{o}hler, Martin and Saak, Jens},
title = {On {BLAS} Level-3 Implementations of Common Solvers for (Quasi-) Triangular Generalized {L}yapunov Equations},
journal = ACMMathSoft,
issue_date = {August 2016},
volume = 43,
number = 1,
month = aug,
year = 2016,
issn = {0098-3500},
pages = {3:1--3:23},
numpages = 23,
url = {https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2850415},
doi = {10.1145/2850415},
acmid = 2850415,
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
On BLAS Level-3 Implementations of Common Solvers for (Quasi-) Triangular Generalized Lyapunov Equations;
Köhler, M. and Saak, J.;
ACM Trans. Math. Softw.  :  
Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA; 2016.
Preprint available as Slicot Working Note 2014-1.
author = {K\"{o}hler, Martin and Penke, Carolin and Saak, Jens and Ezzatti,
title = {Energy-Aware Solution of Linear Systems with Many Right Hand Sides},
journal = {Computer Science: Research and Development},
year = {2016} }
Energy-Aware Solution of Linear Systems with Many Right Hand Sides;
Köhler, Martin; Penke, Carolin; Saak, Jens; Ezzatti, Pablo;
Computer Science – Research and Development  :  
Springer; 2016.
author = {K{\"o}hler, Martin and Saak, Jens},
title = {On {GPU} Acceleration of Common Solvers for (Quasi-) Triangular Generalized {L}yapunov Equations},
journal = {Parallel Computing},
year = 2016,
issn = {0167-8191},
doi = {10.1016/j.parco.2016.05.010"},
url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167819116300436} }
On GPU Acceleration of Common Solvers for (Quasi-) Triangular Generalized Lyapunov Equations;
Köhler, Martin; Saak, Jens;
Parallel Computing  :  
Elsevier; 2016.
Preprint available as MPIMD 14-17.
author = {N. Lang and J. Saak and T. Stykel},
title = {Balanced truncation model reduction for linear time-varying systems},
journal = {Math. Comput. Model. Dyn. Sys.},
volume = 22,
number = 4,
pages = {267--281},
year = 2016,
doi = {10.1080/13873954.2016.1198386},
URL = {https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13873954.2016.1198386} }
Balanced truncation model reduction for linear time-varying systems;
Norman Lang, Jens Saak, Tatjana Stykel;
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems  :  Volume 22, Issue 4, Pages 267-281;
Taylor & Francis; 2016.
DOI: 10.1080/13873954.2016.1198386, also available as preprint from https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/mathematik/csc/2015/.
author = {Benner, P. and Saak, J. and Uddin, M.~M.},
title = {Structure preserving model order reduction of large sparse second-order index-1 systems and application to a mechatronics model},
journal = {Math. Comput. Model. Dyn. Syst.},
volume = 22,
number = 6,
pages = {509--523},
year = {2016},
month = aug,
doi = {10.1080/13873954.2016.1218347},
Structure Preserving MOR for Large Sparse Second Order Index-1 Systems and Application to a Mechatronic Model;
Peter Benner and Jens Saak and M. Monir Uddin;
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems  :  
Tailor & Francis; 2016.
author = {Benner, P. and Saak, J. and Uddin, M.~M.},
title = {Balancing based model reduction for structured index-2 unstable descriptor systems with application to flow control},
volume = 6,
number = 1,
month = mar,
year = 2016,
journal = {Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization},
pages = {1--20},
issn = "2155-3289",
doi = "10.3934/naco.2016.6.1" }
Balancing based model reduction for structured index-2 unstable descriptor systems with application to flow control;
Peter Benner, Jens Saak, M. Monir Uddin;
Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization  :  vol. 6 (1) pp. 1-20;
American Institute of Mathematical Sciences; 2016.
(preprint version available as MPI Magdeburg Preprints, MPIMD/14-20).
@String{SIAMSciComp = \"{SIAM} J. Sci. Comput.\" } @Article{BaeBSetal15,
author = \"B{\"a}nsch, E. and Benner, P. and Saak, J. and Weichelt, H.~K.\",
title = \"{R}iccati-based boundary feedback stabilization of incompressible {N}avier-{S}tokes flows\",
year = 2015,
number = 2,
journal = SIAMSciComp,
volume = 37,
pages = {A832--A858},
doi = {10.1137/140980016} }
Riccati-Based Boundary Feedback Stabilization of Incompressible Navier-Stokes Flow;
Bänsch, Eberhard; Benner, Peter; Saak, Jens; Weichelt, Heiko K.;
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing  :  Vol. 37, No. 2, pages A832--A858;
Early version available as SPP1253 Preprint: SPP1253-154.
author = {Lang, N. and Mena, H. and Saak, J.},
title = {On the benefits of the $LDL^T$ factorization for large-scale differential matrix equation solvers },
journal = {Linear Algebra and its Applications},
publisher = {Elsevier},
volume = {480},
month = sep,
year = 2015,
pages = {44--71},
doi = {10.1016/j.laa.2015.04.006},
On the benefits of the LDLT factorization for large-scale differential matrix equation solvers;
Norman Lang, Hermann Mena, Jens Saak;
Linear Algebra and its Applications  :  Volume 480, Pages. 44-71;
Elsevier; 2015.
DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2015.04.006.
author = {{Lang}, N. and {Saak}, J. and {Benner}, P. and {Ihlenfeldt}, S. and {Nestmann}, S. and {Sch{\"a}dlich}, K.},
title = {Towards the identification of heat induction in chip removing processes via an optimal control approach},
issn = {0944-6524},
journal = {Production Engineering},
doi = {10.1007/s11740-015-0608-9},
publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
year = 2015,
volume = {9},
number = {3},
pages = {343--349} }
Towards the Identification of Heat Induction in Chip Removing Processes via an Optimal Control Approach;
Norman Lang, Jens Saak, Peter Benner, Steffen Ihlenfeldt, Steffen Nestmann, Klaus Schädlich;
Production Engineering Research & Development  :  Volume 9, Issue 3, Pages 343-349;
Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2015.
DOI: 10.1007/s11740-015-0608-9.
author = {Peter Benner and Martin K\"{o}hler and Jens Saak},
title = {Fast Approximate Solution of the Non-Symmetric Generalized Eigenvalue Problem on Multicore Architectures},
journal = {Parallel Computing: Accelerating Computational Science and Engineering (CSE)},
year = {2014},
volume = {Vol. 25 of Advances in Parallel Computing},
pages = {143 - 152},
owner = {koehlerm},
quality = {1},
timestamp = {2014.04.22} }
Fast Approximate Solution of the Non-Symmetric Generalized Eigenvalue Problem on Multicore Architectures;
Benner, Peter; Köhler, Martin; Saak, Jens;
in Michael Bader, Arndt Bode, Hans-Joachim Bungartz, Michael Gerndt, Gerhard R. Joubert, Frans Peters:  Parallel Computing: Accelerating Computational Science and Engineering (CSE)  :  Vol. 25 of Advances in Parallel Computing;
IOS Press; 2014.
author = {Peter Benner and Patrick K{\"u}rschner and Jens Saak},
title = {Self-Generating and Efficient Shift Parameters in ADI Methods for Large Lyapunov and Sylvester Equations},
year = 2014,
journal = {Electronic Transaction on Numerical Analysis},
note = {Early version available from \url{https://www.mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de/preprints/}},
Self-Generating and Efficient Shift Parameters in ADI Methods for Large Lyapunov and Sylvester Equations;
Benner, Peter; Kürschner, Patrick; Saak, Jens;
Electronic Transaction on Numerical Analysis   :  43, pp. 142-162;
author = {P. Benner and J. Saak and F. Schieweck and P. Skrzypacz and H.~K. Weichelt },
title = {A Non-Conforming Composite Quadrilateral Finite Element Pair for Feedback Stabilization of the {S}tokes Equations },
number = 3,
month = oct,
year = 2014,
journal = {Journal of Numerical Mathematics},
volume = 22,
pages = {191--220},
A Non-Conforming Composite Quadrilateral Finite Element Pair for Feedback Stabilization of the Stokes Equations;
Benner, Peter; Saak, Jens; Schieweck, Friedhelm; Skrzypacz, Piotr; Weichelt, Heiko K.;
Journal of Numerical Mathematics  :  Vol. 22, No. 3, pages 191-220;
deGruyter; 2014.
Earlier version as MPI-Preprint: MPIMD12-19.
author = {Lang, Norman and Saak, Jens and Benner, Peter},
title = {Model Order Reduction for Systems with Moving Loads},
journal = {at-Automatisierungstechnik},
year = 2014,
volume = 62,
number = 7,
pages = {512--522},
month = {June},
publisher = {deGruyter},
doi = {10.1515/auto-2014-1095} }
Model Order Reduction for Systems with Moving Loads;
Norman Lang, Jens Saak, Peter Benner;
in De Gruyter Oldenbourg: at-Automatisierungstechnik  :  Volume 62, Issue 7, Pages 512-522;
DOI: 10.1515/auto-2014-1095.
author = {P. Benner and J. Saak},
title = {Numerical solution of large and sparse continuous time algebraic matrix Riccati and Lyapunov equations: a state of the art survey },
journal = {GAMM Mitteilungen},
year = 2013,
volume = 36,
number = 1,
pages = {32--52},
month = {August},
DOI = {10.1002/gamm.201310003} }
Numerical Solution of Large and Sparse Continuous Time Algebraic Matrix Riccati and Lyapunov Equations: A State of the Art Survey;
Benner, Peter and Saak, Jens;
GAMM-Reports  :  vol 6 No 1 pages 32-52;
Preprint available at https://www.mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de/preprints/2013/07/ DOI:10.1002/gamm.201310003.
@article {BenKS12,
author = {Benner, Peter and K{\"u}rschner, Patrick and Saak, Jens},
affiliation = {Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Sandtorstraße 1, 39106 Magdeburg, Germany},
title = {Efficient handling of complex shift parameters in the low-rank Cholesky factor ADI method},
journal = {Numerical Algorithms},
publisher = {Springer U.S.},
issn = {1017-1398},
keyword = {Computer Science},
pages = {225-251},
url = {https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11075-012-9569-7},
note = {10.1007/s11075-012-9569-7},
Efficient Handling of Complex Shift Parameters in the Low-Rank Cholesky Factor ADI method;
Benner, Peter; Kürschner, Patrick; Saak, Jens;
Numerical Algorithms  :  Volume 62, Issue 2, pages 225-251, February 2013 ;
Springer U.S.; 2013.
DOI: 10.1007/s11075-012-9569-7
also available as preprint MPIMD/11-08.
author = {P. Benner and J. Saak and M. Stoll and H.~K. Weichelt},
title = {Efficient Solution of Large-Scale Saddle Point Systems Arising in {R}iccati-Based Boundary Feedback Stabilization of Incompressible {S}tokes Flow},
journal = {{SIAM} J. Sci. Comput.},
volume = 35,
number = 5,
pages = {S150--S170},
year = 2013 }
Efficient Solution of Large-Scale Saddle Point Systems Arising in Riccati-Based Boundary Feedback Stabilization of Incompressible Stokes Flow;
Benner, Peter; Saak, Jens; Stoll, Martin; Weichelt, Heiko K.;
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing  :  Vol. 35, No. 5, pages S150-S170;
Early version as SPP1253 Preprint: SPP1253-130.
author = {Peter Benner and Patrick Kürschner and Jens Saak},
title = {An Improved Numerical Method for Balanced Truncation for Symmetric Second Order Systems},
year = 2013,
journal = {Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems},
doi = {10.1080/13873954.2013.794363},
note = {Early Version available from \url{https://www.mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de/preprints/2012/20/}},
An Improved Numerical Method for Balanced Truncation for Symmetric Second Order Systems;
Peter Benner, Patrick Kürschner, Jens Saak;
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems  :  Vol. 19(6), pages 593-615;
DOI:10.1080/13873954.2013.794363 Also available as Preprint MPIMD/12-20.
author = {Uddin, M. Monir and Saak, Jens and Kranz, Burkhard and Benner, Peter},
title = {Computation of a Compact State Space Model for an Adaptive Spindle Head Configuration with Piezo Actuators using Balanced Truncation},
journal = {Production Engineering Research and Development},
year = 2012,
volume = 6,
number = 6,
pages = {577-586},
month = {November},
note = {doi:10.1007/s11740-0},
Computation of a Compact State Space Model for an Adaptive Spindle Head Configuration with Piezo Actuators using Balanced Truncation;
Uddin, M. Monir; Saak, Jens; Kranz, Burkhard and Benner, Peter;
Production Engineering Research and Development  :  Volume 6, Issue 6, Page 577-586;
Springer; 2012.
@String{MCMDS = {Math. Comput. Model. Dyn. Sys.}} @Article{BenS11,
author = {P. Benner and J. Saak},
title = {{Efficient Balancing based MOR for Large Scale Second Order Systems}},
journal = MCMDS,
year = 2011,
volume = 17,
number = 2,
pages = {123--143},
note = {DOI:10.1080/13873954.2010.540822},
Efficient Balancing based MOR for Large Scale Second Order Systems ;
Benner, Peter; Saak, Jens;
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems  :  Volume 17, Issue 2, pp. 123-143;
Taylor & Francis; 2011.
author = {Benner, P. and Bonin, T. and Fa{\ss}bender, H. and Saak,
J. and Soppa, A. and Zaeh, M.},
title = {{Novel Model Reduction Techniques for Control of Machine Tools}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of ANSYS Conference \& 27. CADFEM Users\\\'{} Meeting 2009, 18.-20. November 2009,
Congress Center Leipzig},
year = 2009,
address = {Grafing},
publisher = {CADFEM GmbH},
note = {ISBN/ISSN: 3-937523-06-5} }
Modale versus moderne Ordnungsreduktionsverfahren: Effiziente Simulation von Werkzeugmaschinen[German];
Bonin, Thomas; Zäh, Michael; Soppa, Andreas; Faßbender, Heike; Saak, Jens; Benner, Peter;
Mechatronik  :  November 2009;
Hanser; 2009.
pp. 46-47 .
author = {P. Benner and H. Mena and J. Saak},
title = {On the Parameter Selection Problem in the {N}ewton-{ADI} Iteration for Large-Scale {R}iccati Equations},
journal = {Electronic Transitions on Numerical Analysis},
year = {2008},
volume = {29},
pages = {136-149},
booktitle = {Special Volume on Applied Linear Algebra},
comment = {ISSN 1068-9613},
publisher = {ETNA},
series = {Electronic Transitions on Numerical Analysis} }
On the Parameter Selection Problem in the Newton-ADI Iteration for Large-Scale Riccati Equations;
Benner, Peter; Mena, Hermann; Saak, Jens;;
Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis  :  Vol. 29 of ETNA pp. 136-149;
also available as CSC Preprint 06-03 .

Book Chapters

author = {Benner, P. and K{\"o}hler, M. and Saak, J.},
title = {Matrix Equations, Sparse Solvers: {M-M.E.S.S.}-2.0.1 -- Philosophy, Features and Application for (Parametric) Model Order Reduction},
booktitle = {Model Reduction of Complex Dynamical Systems},
series = {International Series of Numerical Mathematics},
volume = {171},
editor = {Benner, P. and Breiten, T. and Fa{\ss}bender, H. and Hinze, M. and Stykel, T. and Zimmermann, R.},
publisher = {Birkh{\"a}user, Cham},
pages = {369--392},
year = {2021},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-72983-7_18} }
Matrix Equations, Sparse Solvers: M-M.E.S.S.-2.0.1 -- Philosophy, Features and Application for (Parametric) Model Orde Reduction;
Benner, Peter; Köhler, Martin and Saak, Jens;
in Benner, P.; Breiten, T.; Faßbender, H.; Hinze, M.; Stykel, T. and Zimmermann, R: Model Reduction of Complex Dynamical Systems  :  International Series of Numerical Mathematics;
Birkhäuser, Cham; 2021.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-72983-7_18.
author = {Mlinari{\'c}, P. and Rave, S. and Saak, J.},
title = {Parametric model order reduction using {pyMOR}},
booktitle = {Model Reduction of Complex Dynamical Systems},
series = {International Series of Numerical Mathematics},
volume = {171},
editor = {Benner, P. and Breiten, T. and Fa{\ss}bender, H. and Hinze, M. and Stykel, T. and Zimmermann, R.},
publisher = {Birkh{\"a}user, Cham},
pages = {357--367},
year = 2021,
doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-72983-7_17},
Parametric model order reduction using pyMOR;
Mlinarić, Petar; Rave, Stephan and Saak, Jens;
in Benner, P.; Breiten, T.; Faßbender, H.; Hinze, M.; Stykel, T. and Zimmermann, R.: Model Reduction of Complex Dynamical Systems  :  International Series of Numerical Mathematics;
Birkhäuser, Cham; 2021.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-72983-7_17.
author = {Rave, S. and Saak, J.},
title = {A Non-stationary Thermal-Block Benchmark Model for Parametric Model Order Reduction},
booktitle = {Model Reduction of Complex Dynamical Systems},
series = {International Series of Numerical Mathematics},
volume = {171},
editor = {Benner, P. and Breiten, T. and Fa{\ss}bender, H. and Hinze, M. and Stykel, T. and Zimmermann, R.},
publisher = {Birkh{\"a}user, Cham},
pages = {349--356},
year = {2021},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-72983-7_16} }
An Non-stationary Thermal-Block Benchmark Model for Parametric Model Order Reduction;
Rave, Stephan and Saak, Jens;
in Benner, P.; Breiten, T.; Faßbender, H.; Hinze, M.; Stykel, T. and Zimmermann, R.: Model Reduction of Complex Dynamical Systems  :  International Series of Numerical Mathematics;
Birkhäuser, Cham; 2021.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-72983-7_16.
author = {Norman Lang, Jens Saak, Peter Benner},
title = {{M}odel {O}rder {R}eduction for {T}hermo-{E}lastic {A}ssembly {G}roup {M}odels},
publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
address = {Switzerland},
isbn = {978-3-319-12624-1},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-12625-8_8},
year = {2015},
chapter = {8},
pages = {85--93},
Model Order Reduction for Thermo-Elastic Assembly Group Models;
Norman Lang, Jens Saak, Peter Benner;
in Knut Großmann: Thermo-energetic Design of Machine Tools  :  Lecture Notes in Production Engineering; Pages 85-93;
Springer International Publishing; 2015.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-12625-8_8.
author = {E. B{\"a}nsch and P. Benner and J. Saak and H.~K. Weichelt},
title = {Optimal Control-Based Feedback Stabilization of Multi-Field Flow Problems},
booktitle = {Trends in PDE Constrained Optimization},
editor = {G\"unter Leugering and Peter Benner and Sebastian Engell and Andreas Griewank and Helmut Harbrecht and Michael Hinze and Rolf Rannacher and Stefan Ulbrich},
series = {International Series of Numerical Mathematics},
volume = 165,
publisher = {Birkh{\"a}user},
year = {2014},
pages = {173--188} }
Optimal Control-Based Feedback Stabilization of Multi-Field Flow Problems;
Bänsch, Eberhard; Benner, Peter; Saak, Jens; Weichelt, Heiko K.;
in Leugering, Günter; Benner, Peter; Engell, Sebastian; Griewank, Andreas; Harbrecht, Helmut; Hinze, Michael; Rannacher, Rolf; Ulbrich, Stefan: Trends in PDE Constrained Optimization  :  International Series of Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 165, pages 173-188;
Birkhäuser; 2014.
author = {P. Benner and S. G{\"o}rner and J. Saak},
title = {Numerical solution of optimal control problems for parabolic systems},
booktitle = {Parallel Algorithms and Cluster Computing. Implementations, Algorithms, and Applications},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany},
year = {2006},
pages = {151-169},
editor = {K.H. Hoffmann and A. Meyer} }
Numerical Solution of Optimal Control Problems for Parabolic Systems;
Benner, Peter; Görner, Sabine; Saak, Jens;
in Hoffmann, K.H. and Meyer, A.: Parallel Algorithms and Cluster Computing. Implementations, Algorithms, and Applications  :  vol. 52 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering;
Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2006.
pp. 151-169.
author = {P. Benner and J. Saak},
title = {A Semi-Discretized Heat Transfer Model for Optimal Cooling of Steel Profiles},
editor = {P. Benner and V. Mehrmann and D. Sorensen},
booktitle = {Dimension Reduction of Large-Scale Systems},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computational Sience and Engineering},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany},
year = {2005} }
A Semi-Discretized Heat Transfer Model for Optimal Cooling of Steel Profiles;
Benner, Peter; Saak, Jens;
in Benner, P.; Mehrmann, V. and Sorensen, D. C.: Dimension Reduction of Large-Scale Systems  :  Ch. 19, Vol. 45 of LNCSE;
Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2005.

Articles in Conference Proceedings

CA41Energy Efficiency of Parallel File Systems on an ARM Cluster;
Erxleben, T.; Duwe, K.; Saak, J.; Köhler, M.; Kuhn, M.;
accepted for ENERGY2022.
author = {Sauerzapf, S. and Vettermann, J. and Naumann, A. and Saak,
J. and Beitelschmidt, M. and Benner, P.},
title = {Simulation of the thermal behavior of machine tools for efficient machine development and online correction of the Tool Center Point (TCP)-displacement},
booktitle = {Special Interest Group Meeting on Thermal Issues Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (WZL) of RWTH Aachen, Germany, February 2020},
year = 2020,
organization = {EUSPEN},
url = {https://www.euspen.eu/knowledge-base/TI20125.pdf} }
Simulation of the thermal behavior of machine tools for efficient machine development and online correction of the Tool Center Point displacement;
Stefan Sauerzapf, Julia Vettermann, Andreas Naumann, Jens Saak, Michael Beitelschmidt, Peter Benner;
Special Interest Group Meeting on Thermal Issues Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (WZL) of RWTH Aachen, Germany, February 2020  :  
EUSPEN; 2020.
CA39System-theoretic model order reduction in pyMOR;
Balicki, Linus; Mlinarić, Petar; Rave, Stephan and Saak, Jens;
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.  :  
WileyVCH; 2019.
@STRING{PAMM = {Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.}} @Article{morGruHS19,
author = {Grundel, S. and Himpe, C. and Saak, J.},
title = {On Empirical System {G}ramians},
journal = PAMM,
year = 2019,
volume = 19,
number = 1,
pages = {e201900006},
doi = {10.1002/PAMM.201900006} }
On Empirical System Gramians;
Grundel, Sara; Himpe, Christian; Saak, Jens;
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.  :  
WileyVCH; 2019.
@STRING{PAMM = {Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.}} @Article{morHunMS18,
author = {Hund, M. and Mlinari\'{c}, P. and Saak, J.},
title = {An \(\mathcal{H}2 \times \mathcal{H}2\)-Optimal Model Order Reduction Approach for Parametric Linear Time-Invariant Systems},
journal = PAMM,
year = 2018,
volume = 18,
number = 1,
pages = {e201800084},
month = nov }
An H2L2-Optimal Model Order Reduction Approach for Parametric Linear Time-Invariant Systems
Hund, Manuela; Mlinarić, Petar and Saak, Jens;
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. Volume 18, Issue 1, e201800084;  :  
WileyVCH; 2018.
author = {Benner, P. and Herzog, R. and Lang, N. and Riedel, I. and Saak, J.},
title = {Optimal sensor placement based on model order reduction},
journal = {Conference on Thermal Issues in Machine Tools},
year = 2018,
pages = {355-365},
isbn = {978-3-95735-085-5} }
Optimal sensor placement based on model order reduction;
Peter Benner, Roland Herzog, Norman Lang, Ilka Riedel, Jens Saak;
Proceedings of the CIRP sponsored Conference on Thermal Issues in Machine Tools  :  Pages 355-365;
Wissenschaftliche Scripten; 2018.
@String{PAMM = {Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.}} @String { WileyVCH = {WILEY-VCH Verlag} } @Article {BarBHetal17,
fauthor = {Baran, Björn and Benner, Peter and Heiland, Jan and Saak, Jens},
author = {Baran, B. and Benner, P. and Heiland, J. and Saak, J.},
title = {Towards {R}iccati-Feedback Control of Complex Flows with Moving Interfaces},
journal = PAMM,
volume = 17,
number = 1,
pages = {769--770},
year = 2017,
publisher = WileyVCH,
DOI = {10.1002/pamm.201710352},
Towards Riccati-Feedback Control of Complex Flows with Moving Interfaces;
Baran, Björn; Benner, Peter; Heiland, Jan and Saak, Jens;
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.  :  Volume 17, Issue 1, Pages: 769-770;
WILEY-VCH Verlag; 2017.
@STRING{PAMM = {Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.}} @ARTICLE{morHimLRetal17,
author = {Himpe, C. and Leibner, T. and Rave, S. and Saak, J.},
title = {Fast Low-Rank Empirical Cross {G}ramians},
journal = PAMM,
volume = {17},
number = {1},
pages = {841--842},
year = {2017},
doi = {10.1002/pamm.201710388} }
Fast Low-Rank Empirical Cross Gramians;
Himpe, Christian; Leibner, Tobias; Rave, Stephan and Saak, Jens;
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics  :  Volume 17, Issue 1, Pages: 841-842;
WILEY-VCH Verlag; 2017.
title = {{Frequency Scaling and Energy Efficiency regarding the Gauss-Jordan Elimination Scheme on OpenPower 8}},
booktitle = { 2nd Workshop on Power-Aware Computing 2017}, year = 2017,
publisher = {Zenodo},
month = may,
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.574664},
url = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.574664} }
Frequency Scaling and Energy Efficiency regarding the Gauss-Jordan Elimination Scheme on OpenPower 8;
Köhler, Martin; Saak, Jens;
2nd Workshop on Power-Aware Computing 2017 (PACO 2017)  :  
Zenodo; 2017.
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.574664.
@article{KoeS17, author = {K{\"o}hler, Martin and Saak, Jens},
title = {A {GPU} Accelerated {Gauss-Jordan} Elimination on the {OpenPOWER} platform -- A case study },
journal = PAMM,
volume = {17},
number = {1},
publisher = WileyVCH,
issn = {1617-7061},
doi = {10.1002/pamm.201710390},
pages = {845--846},
year = {2017} }
GPU Accelerated Gauss-Jordan Elimination on the OpenPOWER platform -- A case study;
Köhler, Martin; Saak, Jens;
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.  :  
WILEY-VCH Verlag; 2017.
author = {Benner, P. and Saak, J. and Uddin, M.~M.},
title = {Reduced-Order Modeling of Index-1 Vibrational Systems Using Interpolatory Projections},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th International Conference On Computer and Information Technology},
address = {Dhaka, Bangladesh},
publisher = {IEEE Publications},
pages = {134--138},
year = {2016},
DOI = {10.1109/ICCITECHN.2016.7860183},
month = dec }
Reduced-Order Modeling of Index-1 Vibrational Systems Using Interpolatory Projections;
Benner, Peter; Saak, Jens and Uddin, M. Monir;
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference On Computer and Information Technology  :  pp. 134-138 ;
IEEE Publications; 2016.
@STRING{PAMM = {Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.}} @String{WileyVCH = {WILEY-VCH Verlag}} @ARTICLE{morHunS16,
author = {Hund, M. and Saak, J.},
title = {A Connection between Time Domain Model Order Reduction and Moment Matching},
journal = PAMM,
publisher = WileyVCH,
volume = 16,
number = 1,
month = oct,
pages = {727--728},
issn = {1617-7061},
doi = {10.1002/pamm.201610352},
year = 2016 }
A Connection between Time Domain Model Order Reduction and Moment Matching;
Hund, Manuela and Saak, Jens;
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.  :  vol. 16(1), pp. 727--728;
WILEY-VCH Verlag; 2016.
@Article {KoeLS16,
author = {K\"{o}hler, Martin and Lang, Norman and Saak, Jens},
title = {Solving Differential Matrix Equations using Parareal},
journal = {Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.},
volume = 16,
number = 1,
publisher = {WILEY-VCH Verlag},
issn = {1617-7061},
doi = {10.1002/pamm.201610412},
pages = {847--848},
year = 2016,
repo = {https://svncsc.mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de/repos/mpcsc/pubs/160531_koehler_lang_saak_PAMM_parareal} }
Solving Differential Matrix Equations using Parareal;
Martin Köhler, Norman Lang, Jens Saak;
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.  :  vol. 16(1), pp.847--848;
WILEY-VCH Verlag; 2016.
DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201610412.
title = {Towards Practical Implementations of Balanced Truncation for {LTV} Systems},
journal = {IFAC-PapersOnLine},
volume = {48},
number = {1},
pages = {7--8},
year = {2015},
issn = {2405-8963},
doi = {https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.05.135},
url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2405896315001366},
author = {N.~Lang and J.~Saak and T.~Stykel},
Towards Practical Implementations of Balanced Truncation for LTV Systems;
Norman Lang, Jens Saak, Tatjana Stykel;
IFAC-PapersOnLine  :  Volume 48, Issue 1, Pages: 7-8;
Elsevier; 2015.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.05.135.
@String{PAMM = \"Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.\" }
@String{WileyVCH = \"WILEY-VCH Verlag\" }
author = {B. Baran and M. Köhler and N. Prasad and J. Saak},
title = {Numerical Solution of Large Scale Sparse Matrix Equations in {P}ython},
journal = PAMM,
year = {2014},
volume = 14,
number = 1,
pages = {959--960},
month = dec }
Numerical Solution of Large Scale Sparse Matrix Equations in Python;
B. Baran, M. Köhler, N. Prasad and J. Saak;
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.  :  Volume 14, Issue 1, Pages: 959-960;
WILEY-VCH Verlag; 2014.
DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201410460.
@String{PAMM = \"Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.\" }
@String{WileyVCH = \"WILEY-VCH Verlag\" }
author = {Benner, P. and K\"ohler, M. and Saak, J.},
title = {A Cache-Aware Implementation of the Spectral Divide-and-Conquer Approach for the Non-Symmetric Generalized Eigenvalue Problem},
journal = PAMM,
year = {2014},
publisher = WileyVCH,
doi = {10.1002/pamm.201410390},
volume = {14},
number = {1},
pages = {819--820},
month = dec }
A Cache-Aware Implementation of the Spectral Divide-and-Conquer Approach for the Non-Symmetric Generalized Eigenvalue Problem;
Benner, Peter; Köhler, Martin; Saak, Jens;
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics  :  Volume 14, Issue 1, Pages: 819-820;
WILEY VCH Verlag; 2014.
DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201410390.
author = {{Benner}, P. and {Saak}, J. and {Stoll}, M. and {Weichelt}, H.~K.},
title = {Efficient Solvers for Large-Scale Saddle Point Systems Arising in Feedback Stabilization of Multi-Field Flow Problems},
booktitle = {System Modeling and Optimization},
editor = {Christian P\"otzsche and Clemens Heuberger and Barbara Kaltenbacher and Franz Rendl},
series = {{IFIP} Advances in Information and Communication Technology},
publisher = {Springer},
year = 2014,
volume = 443,
pages = {11--20} }
Efficient Solvers for Large-Scale Saddle Point Systems Arising in Feedback Stabilization of Multi-Field Flow Problems;
Benner, Peter; Saak, Jens; Stoll, Martin; Weichelt, Heiko K.;
in Christian Pötzsche, Clemens Heuberger, Barbara Kaltenbacher, and Franz Rendl, eds.: System Modeling and Optimization  :  IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Vol. 443, pages 11-20;
Springer; 2014.
author = {M. Hund and J. Saak},
title = {Numerische {A}spekte der {Zeitbereichs-MOR} mittels orthogonaler {P}olynome},
booktitle = {Tagungsband des GMA-Fachausschusses 1.30 \"Modellbildung, Identifikation und Simulation in der Automatisierungstechnik\"},
year = 2014,
editor = {Sawodny, O. and Adamy, J.},
organization = {Institut f\"ur Automatisierungstechnik und Mechatronik},
publisher = {Technische Universit\"at Darmstadt},
pages = {176-185} }
Numerische Aspekte der Zeitbereichs-MOR mittels orthogonaler Polynome
Manuela Hund and Jens Saak;
in Sawodny, Oliver; Adamy, Jürgen: Tagungsband des GMA-Fachausschusses 1.30 „Modellbildung, Identifikation und Simulation in der Automatisierungstechnik“  :  pp. 176--185;
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Institut für Automatisierungstechnik und Mechatronik; 2014.
title = {An {$LDL^T$} factorization based {ADI} algorithm for solving large scale differential matrix equations},
author = {N. Lang and H. Mena and J. Saak},
publisher = {WILEY-VCH Verlag},
journal = {Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics},
volume = 14,
number = 1,
year = 2014,
url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/pamm.201410394/abstract},
doi = {10.1002/pamm.201410394},
pages = {827--828} }
An LDLT factorization based ADI algorithm for solving large-scale differential matrix equations;
Norman Lang, Hermann Mena, Jens Saak;
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics  :  Volume 14, Issue 1, Pages: 827–828;
WILEY-VCH Verlag; 2014.
DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201410394.
booktitle={Applied Parallel and Scientific Computing},
series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
editor={Manninen, Pekka and Öster, Per},
title={A Shared Memory Parallel Implementation of the IRKA Algorithm for \mathcal{H}_2 Model Order Reduction},
publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
author={Köhler, Martin and Saak, Jens},
pages={541-544} }
A Shared Memory Parallel Implementation of the IRKA Algorithm for H2 Model Order Reduction;
M. Köhler and J. Saak;
in Pekka Manninen and Per öster: Applied Parallel and Scientific Computing : 11th International Conference, PARA 2012, Helsinki, Finland, June 10-13, 2012  :  Vol. 7782 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science;
Springer; 2013.
author = {Peter Benner,
orman Lang,
ens Saak},
title = {Modeling structural variability in reduced order models of machine tool assembly groups via parametric MOR},
journal = {Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics},
publisher = {WILEY-VCH Verlag},
year = {2013},
volume = {13},
number = {1},
url = {https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/pamm.201310233},
doi = {10.1002/pamm.201310233},
pages = {481--482},
Modeling structural variability in reduced order models of machine tool assembly groups via parametric MOR;
Peter Benner, Norman Lang, Jens Saak;
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics  :  Volume 13, Issue 1, Pages: 481–482;
WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim; 2013.
DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201310233.
author = {Peter Benner and Norman Lang and Jens Saak},
title = {Modellordnungsreduktion für geschaltete, gekoppelte thermo-elastische {S}ysteme},
booktitle= {Tagungsband des GMA-Fachausschusses 1.30 \glqq Modellbildung, Identifikation und Simulation in der Automatisierungstechnik\grqq},
pages = {215--227},
editor = {Oliver Sawodny and J\"urgen Adamy},
month = {November},
year = {2013},
publisher = {Technische Universit\"at Darmstadt, Institut f\"ur Automatisierungstechnik und Mechatronik},
isbn = {978-3-9815012-5-4},
Modellordnungsreduktion für geschaltete, gekoppelte thermo-elastische Systeme;
Peter Benner, Norman Lang, Jens Saak;
in Sawodny, Oliver; Adamy, Jürgen: Tagungsband des GMA-Fachausschusses 1.30 „Modellbildung, Identifikation und Simulation in der Automatisierungstechnik“  :  Pages 215 - 227;
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Institut für Automatisierungstechnik und Mechatronik; 2013.
author = {{Benner}, P. and {Lang}, N. and {Saak}, J.},
title = {Modellreduktion für geschaltete, gekoppelte thermo-elastische Systeme},
booktitle = {Tagungsband des 3. Kolloquiums zum SFB/TR 96: Thermo-Energetische Gestaltung von Werkzeugmaschinen - Modellierung und Simulation},
pages = {102-126},
year = 2013,
editor = {K. Großmann}
Modellreduktion für geschaltete, gekoppelte thermo-elastische Systeme;
Peter Benner, Norman Lang, Jens Saak;
in K. Großmann: Tagungsband des 3. Koll. zum SFB/TR 96: Thermo-Energetische Gestaltung von WZM  :  Pages 102-126;
@article {BenKS13,
author = {Benner, Peter and Kürschner, Patrick and Saak, Jens},
title = {A Reformulated Low-Rank {ADI} Iteration with Explicit Residual Factors},
journal = {PAMM},
volume = {13},
number = {1},
publisher = {WILEY-VCH Verlag},
issn = {1617-7061},
url = {https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/pamm.201310273},
doi = {10.1002/pamm.201310273},
pages = {585--586},
year = {2013},
A Reformulated Low-Rank ADI Iteration with Explicit Residual Factors;
Peter Benner, Patrick Kürschner and Jens Saak;
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics  :  Volume 13, Issue 1, December 2013, Pages: 585–586;
Wiley-VCH Verlag; 2013.
DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201310273.
author = {Jens Saak and M. Monir Uddin and Matthias Voigt},
title = {Modellreduktion für strukturierte {I}ndex-3-{S}ysteme},
booktitle= {Tagungsband des GMA-Fachausschusses 1.30 \glqq Modellbildung, Identifikation und Simulation in der Automatisierungstechnik\grqq},
pages = {180--190},
editor = {Oliver Sawodny and J\"urgen Adamy},
month = {November},
year = {2013},
publisher = {Technische Universit\"at Darmstadt, Institut f\"ur Automatisierungstechnik und Mechatronik},
isbn = {978-3-9815012-5-4},
Modellreduktion für strukturierte Index-3-Systeme
Saak, Jens; Uddin, M. Monir; Voigt, Matthias;
in Sawodny, Oliver; Adamy, Jürgen: Tagungsband des GMA-Fachausschusses 1.30 „Modellbildung, Identifikation und Simulation in der Automatisierungstechnik“  :  pp. 180 - 190;
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Institut für Automatisierungstechnik und Mechatronik; 2013.
CA16Second Order to Second Order Balancing for Index-1 Vibrational Systems;
Benner, Peter and Uddin, M. Monir and Saak, Jens ;
7th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE) 2012  :  
pages 933-936.
title = "Improved second-order balanced truncation for symmetric systems",
journal = "IFAC Proceedings Volumes",
volume = "45",
number = "2",
pages = "758 - 762",
year = "2012",
editor = "Troch,
I. and Breitenecker,
note = "7th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling",
issn = "1474-6670",
doi = "10.3182/20120215-3-AT-3016.00134",
author = "Jens Saak and Peter Benner and Patrick K{\"u}rschner",
Improved second-order balanced truncation for symmetric systems;
Benner, Peter; Kürschner, Patrick; Saak, Jens;
IFAC Proceedings Volumes   :  45(2):758 - 762;
Proceedings of 7th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling.
author = {Uddin, Mohammad~Monir and Saak, Jens and Kranz,
Burkhard and Benner, Peter},
title = {Efficient Reduced Order State Space Model Computation for a Class of Second Order Index One Systems},
booktitle = {Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.},
pages = {699--700},
year = 2012,
volume = 12,
number = 1,
month = {December},
organization = {GAMM},
publisher = {Wiley},
note = {DOI: 10.1002/pamm.20},
Efficient Reduced Order State Space Model Computation for a Class of Second Order Index One Systems;
Benner, Peter; Kranz, Burkhard; Saak, Jens and Uddin, M. Monir;
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics  :  
Wiley InterScience; 2012.
Pages: 699–700, DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201210338.
author = {T. Mach and J. Saak},
title = {How Competitive is the ADI for Tensor Structured Equations?},
journal = {PAMM},
volume = {12},
number = {1},
publisher = {WILEY-VCH Verlag},
issn = {1617-7061},
year = {2011},
note = {DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201210306},
How Competitive is the ADI for Tensor Structured Equations?;
Mach, Thomas; Saak, Jens;
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics  :  
Wiley InterScience; 2012.
Pages: 635–636, DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201210306.
author = {{Benner}, P. and {Lang}, N. and {Saak}, J.},
title = {Parametererhaltende Modellordnungsreduktion für die Simulation thermo-elastischer Probleme an Werkzeugmaschinen},
booktitle = {Tagungsband des 2. Kolloquiums zum SFB/TR 96: Thermo-Energetische Gestaltung von Werkzeugmaschinen - Modellierung und Simulation},
pages = {102-126},
year = 2012,
editor = {K. Großmann}
Parametererhaltende Modellordnungsreduktion für die Simulation thermo-elastischer Probleme an Werkzeugmaschinen;
Peter Benner, Norman Lang, Jens Saak;
in K. Großmann: Tagungsband des 2. Koll. zum SFB/TR 96: Thermo-Energetische Gestaltung von WZM  :  Pages 155-188;
title = "A Goal-Oriented Dual LRCF-ADI for Balanced Truncation",
journal = "IFAC Proceedings Volumes",
volume = "45",
number = "2",
pages = "752 - 757",
year = "2012",
editor = "Troch, I. and Breitenecker, F.",
note = "7th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling", issn = "1474-6670",
doi = "10.3182/20120215-3-AT-3016.00133", author = "Jens Saak and Peter Benner and Patrick K{\"u}rschner", }
A Goal-Oriented Dual LRCF-ADI for Balanced Truncation.;
Peter Benner, Patrick Kürschner, Jens Saak;
IFAC Proceedings Volumes  :  45(2):752 - 757;
Proceedings of 7th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling.
author = {P. Benner and P. K\"u rschner and J. Saak},
title = {Avoiding complex arithmetic in the low-rank ADI method efficiently},
journal = PAMM,
volume = {12},
number = {1},
pages = {639-640},
publisher = {WILEY-VCH Verlag},
issn = {1617-7061},
year = {2012},
note = {DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201210308},
Avoiding complex arithmetic in the low-rank ADI method efficiently;
Peter Benner; Patrick Kürschner; Jens Saak;
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics  :  
Wiley InterScience; 2012.
Pages: 639–640, DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201210308.
author = {Bonin, T. and Soppa, A. and Saak, J. and Zaeh,
M. and Fa{\ss}bender, H. and Benner, P.},
title = {Moderne {M}odellordnungsreduktionsverfahren für {F}inite-{E}lemente-{M}odelle zur {S}imulation von {W}erkzeugmaschinen},
booktitle = {Fachtagung MECHATRONIK 2011, Dresden,
pages = {333--338},
year = 2011,
note = {ISBN 978-3-00-033892-2} }
Moderne Modellordnungsreduktionsverfahren für Finite-Elemente-Modelle zur Simulation von Werkzeugmaschinen
Bonin, Thomas; Soppa, Andreas; Saak, Jens; Zäh, Michael; Faßbender, Heike; Benner, Peter;
Fachtagung MECHATRONIK 2011, Dresden, 31.03.-01.04.2011; 2011.
author = {P. Benner and J. Saak},
title = {{Suboptimality Estimates for the Semi-Discretized LQR Problem for Parabolic PDEs}},
journal = {Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.},
year = 2008,
volume = 8,
pages = {10085 - 10088},
number = 1,
note = {DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201010288} }
Suboptimality Estimates for the Semi-Discretized LQR Problem for Parabolic PDEs;
Benner, Peter; Saak, Jens;
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics   :  
Wiley InterScience; 2010.
DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201010288 Pages: 591–592.
author = {Benner, P. and Bonin, T. and Fa{\ss}bender, H. and Saak,
J. and Soppa, A. and Zaeh, M.},
title = {{Novel Model Reduction Techniques for Control of Machine Tools}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of ANSYS Conference \& 27. CADFEM Users\\\\'{} Meeting 2009, 18.-20. November 2009,
Congress Center Leipzig},
year = 2009,
address = {Grafing},
publisher = {CADFEM GmbH},
note = {ISBN/ISSN: 3-937523-06-5} }
Novel Model Reduction Techniques for Control of Machine Tools;
Benner, Peter; Bonin, Thomas; Faßbender, Heike; Saak, Jens; Soppa, Andreas; Zaeh, Michael;
Proceedings of ANSYS Conference & 27. CADFEM Users’ Meeting 2009, 18.-20. November 2009, Congress Center Leipzig, paper 2.9.18 (10 pages);
CADFEM GmbH, Grafing ; 2009.
also available from https://archiv.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/2009/0183.
author = {Peter Benner and Jens Saak},
title = {Efficient Balancing based MOR for Second Order Systems Arising in Control of Machine Tools},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the MathMod 2009},
year = 2009,
editor = {I. Troch and F. Breitenecker},
number = 35,
series = {ARGESIM-Reports},
pages = {1232-1243},
address = {Vienna, Austria},
month = {January},
organization = {Vienna Univ. of Technology},
publisher = {ARGE Simulation News},
note = {ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-901608-35-3} }
Efficient Balancing based MOR for Second Order Systems Arising in Control of Machine Tools
Benner, Peter; Saak, Jens;
in I. Troch; F. Breitenecker: MathMod 2009 Proceedings  :  No. 35 Vol. 2 of ARGESIM-Reports;
author = {H. Mena and J. Saak},
title = {Simulaci\\\'on num\\\'erica de circuitos el\\\'ectricos a gran escala},
year = 2009,
booktitle = {Proceedings of XXII JORNADAS DE INGENIER\\\'IA EL\\\'ECTRICA Y ELECTR\\\'ONICA},
note = {ISBN/ISSN: 978-9978-383-00-1} }
Simulación numérica de circuitos eléctricos a gran escala
Mena, Hermann; Saak, Jens;
pages 147-155.
author = {Benner, Peter and Saak, Jens},
title = {Efficient solution of large scale Lyapunov and Riccati equations arising in model order reduction problems},
journal = {Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.},
year = {2008},
month = {December},
volume = 8,
number = 1 }
Efficient solution of large scale Lyapunov and Riccati equations arising in model order reduction problems
Benner, Peter; Saak, Jens;
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics  :  
Wiley InterScience; 2008.
DOI: 10.1002/pamm.200810085.
author = {P. Benner and J. Saak},
title = {Application of LQR Techniques to the Adaptive Control of Quasilinear Parabolic PDEs},
year = {2007},
month = {december},
journal = {Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.},
volume = {7},
number = {1},
note = {DOI: 10.1002/pamm.200700240} }
Application of LQR Techniques to the Adaptive Control of Quasilinear Parabolic PDEs;
Benner, Peter; Saak, Jens;
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics  :  Vol. 7 Issue 1;
Wiley InterScience; 2007.
DOI: 10.1002/pamm.200700240.
author = {Badia, J. M. and Benner, P. and Mayo, R. and Quintana-Ort�, E. and Quintana-Ort�, G. and Saak, J.},
title = {Parallel Order Reduction via Balanced Truncation for Optimal Cooling of Steel Profiles},
booktitle = {Euro-Par 2005 Parallel Processing: 11th International Euro-Par Conference,
Lisbon, Portugal, August 30 - September 2},
year = {2005},
editor = {J.C. Cunha and P.D. Mdeiros},
volume = {3648},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
pages = {857-866},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag} }
Parallel Order Reduction via Balanced Truncation for Optimal Cooling of Steel Profiles;
Badia, Jose M.; Benner, Peter; Mayo, Rafael; Quintana-Ortí, Enrique; Quintana-Ortí, Gregorio; Saak, Jens;
in J.C. Cunha and P.D. Mdeiros (eds.): Euro-Par 2005 Parallel Processing: 11th International Euro-Par Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, August 30 - September 2  :  Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3648, pp. 857-866;
Springer-Verlag; 2005.
see also SfB393 Preprint 05-02.
author = {P. Benner and J. Saak},
title = {Efficient numerical solution of the {LQR}-problem for the heat equation},
year = {2004},
journal = {Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.},
volume = {4},
number = {1},
pages = {648--649},
annote = {https://www.wiley-vch.de/home/pamm} }
Efficient numerical solution of the LQR-problem for the heat equation;
Benner, Peter; Saak, Jens;
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics  :  Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 648-649;
Wiley InterScience; 2004.
DOI: 10.1002/pamm.200410305.

Technical Reports

URL = \"https://www.netlib.org/lapack/lawnspdf/lawn284.pdf\",
number = 284,
institution = \"LAPACK Working Note\",
author = \"M. K{\"o}hler and J. Saak\",
title = \"{FlexiBLAS} - {A} flexible {BLAS} library with runtime exchangeable backends\",
month = jan,
year = 2014,
FlexiBLAS: A flexible BLAS library with runtime exchangeable backends;
Martin Köhler and Jens Saak;
Lapack Working Note #284;
author = { Björn Baran and Martin Köhler and Nitin Prasad and Jens Saak},
title = {Interfacing C-M.E.S.S. with Python},
number = {MPIMD/13-22},
month = nov,
year = 2013,
institution = {Max Planck Institute Magdeburg},
type = {Preprint},
note = {Available from \url{https://www.mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de/preprints/}},
Interfacing C-M.E.S.S. with Python;
Björn Baran, Martin Köhler, Nitin Prasad, Jens Saak;
MPI Magdeburg Preprints; 2013.
author = {P. Benner and P. K\"u rschner and J. Saak},
title = {Real versions of low-rank ADI methods with complex shifts},
number = {MPIMD/12-11},
year = 2012,
type = {Max Planck Institute Magdeburg Preprint},
note = {Available from \url{https://www.mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de/preprints/}},
Real versions of low-rank ADI methods with complex shifts;
Peter Benner; Patrick Kürschner; Jens Saak;
MPI Magdeburg Preprints MPIMD/12-11;
author = { Peter Benner, Martin Köhler, Jens Saak},
title = {{Sparse-Dense Sylvester Equations in H2-Model Order Reduction},
institution = {Max Planck Institute Magdeburg Preprints},
year = 2011,
number = {MPIMD/11-11},
month = {December} }
Sparse-Dense Sylvester Equations in H₂-Model Order Reduction;
Benner, Peter; Köhler, Martin; Saak, Jens;
author = {Thomas Mach, Jens Saak},
title = {Towards an ADI iteration for Tensor Structured Equations},
institution = {Max Planck Institute Magdeburg Preprints},
year = 2011,
number = {MPIMD/11-12},
month = {December} }
Towards an ADI iteration for Tensor Structured Equations;
Mach, Thomas; Saak, Jens;
Max Planck Institute Magdeburg Preprints, MPIMD/11-12;
16 pages.
author = {P. Benner and J. Saak},
title = {{A Galerkin-Newton-ADI Method for Solving Large-Scale Algebraic Riccati Equations}},
institution = {SPP1253},
note = {\url{https://www.am.uni-erlangen.de/home/spp1253/wiki/index.php/Preprints}},
year = 2010,
number = {SPP1253-090},
month = {January},
type = {Preprint} }
A Galerkin-Newton-ADI Method for Solving Large-Scale Algebraic Riccati Equations;
Benner, Peter; Saak, Jens;
SPP1253 preprint SPP1253-090.
author = {Martin K\"ohler and Jens Saak},
title = {Efficiency improving implementation techniques for large scale matrix equation solvers},
institution = {TU Chemnitz},
year = 2009,
type = {{C}hemnitz {S}cientific {C}omputing {P}rep.},
number = {CSC 09-10},
type = {Preprint} }
Efficiency improving implementation techniques for large scale matrix equation solvers;
Köhler, Martin; Saak, Jens;
CSC Preprint 09-10;
author = {Jens Saak and Stephan Schl\"omer},
title = {{RRQR-MEX - Linux and Windows 32bit Matlab Mex-Files for the rank revealing QR factorization.}},
institution = {Chemnitz Scientific Computing},
year = 2009,
number = {09-09},
month = {December} }
RRQR-MEX - Linux and Windows 32bit Matlab Mex-Files for the rank revealing QR factorization.;
Saak, Jens; Schlömer, Stephan;
Chemnitz Scientific Computing Preprints; 2009.
author = {P. Benner and J. Saak},
title = {Linear-Quadratic Regulator Design for Optimal Cooling of Steel Profiles},
institution={Sonderforschungsbereich 393 {it Parallele Numerische Simulation f"ur Physik und Kontinuumsmechanik}, TU Chem-nitz},
year = {2005},
number = {SFB393/05-05},
address = {D-09107 Chem-nitz (Germany)},
note = {Available from url{https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/sfb393/sfb05pr.html}},
owner = {saak},
url = {https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/sfb393/sfb05pr.html},
Linear-Quadratic Regulator Design for Optimal Cooling of Steel Profiles;
Benner, Peter; Saak, Jens;
Preprint SFB393/05-05  :  Sonderforschungsbereich 393 - Numerische Simulation auf massiv parallelen Rechnern;
TU Chemnitz; 2005.


author = {Jens Saak},
title = {Efficient Numerical Solution of Large Scale Algebraic Matrix Equations in PDE Control and Model Order Reduction},
school = {TU Chemnitz},
year = 2009,
month = {July},
note = {available from \url{https://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:ch1-200901642}} }
Efficient Numerical Solution of Large Scale Algebraic Matrix Equations in PDE Control and Model Order Reduction;
Saak, Jens;
PhD Thesis, TU Chemnitz; 2009.
author = {J. Saak},
title = {Effiziente numerische {L}"osung eines {O}ptimalsteuerungsproblems f"ur die {A}bk"uhlung von Stahlprofilen},
school = {Fachbereich 3/Mathematik und Informatik, Universit"at Bremen},
year = {2003},
type = {Diplomarbeit},
address = {D-28334 Bremen},
month = sep }
Effiziente numerische Lösung eines Optimalsteuerungsproblems für die Abkühlung von Stahlprofilen;
Saak, Jens;
Universität Bremen; 2003.
.PS.BZ2; .PS.GZ.

Other Publications

OP3Power‐aware computing;
Ezzatti, Pablo; Quintana-Ortí, Enrique S.; Remón, Alfredo; Saak, Jens;
Concurrency and Comput.: Pract. Exper.  :  vol. 31(6) Special Issue: Power‐Aware Computing (PACO2017);
Wiley; 2018.
Editorial, DOI:10.1002/cpe.5034.
OP2Inexact Kleinman-Newton-ADI Method with Line Search to Solve Large-Scale Algebraic Riccati Equations;
Benner, Peter; Heinkenschloss, Matthias; Saak, Jens; Weichelt, Heiko K.;
ScienceOpen Posters  :  Numerical Algebra, Matrix Theory, Differential-Algebraic Equations, and Control Theory;
ScienceOpen; 2015.
OP1Interview: "Energiesparende Algorithmen?: Hochleistungsrechner auf dem Prüfstand"
Saak, Jens; Remón, Alfredo;
Laborpraxis  :  39, pp. 16 -17;
Jens Saak, saak@mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de