pyMOR - Sustainable Software for Model Order Reduction This project is a joint effort of the CSC group together with two institutes at the University of Münster (WWU). The Workgroup for Numerical Analysis & Scientific Computing at the Institute for applied Mathematics in Münster (AMM) hosts the core development team of pyMOR. The "Zentrum für Informationsverarbeitung" (ZIV) is the WWU's service and competence center for IT-infrastructure, for communication and media technology and for the transfer of media competence. The main goal is the development of infrastructures to support the sustainable development and deployment of pyMOR and related research software.
Modellreduktion für thermo-elastische Bagruppenmodelle Gekoppelte FEM Modelle aus der thermoelastischen Modellierung von Werkzeugmaschinen sind, insbesondere bei Prozessen die vieler Simulationen mit unterschiedlicher Parametrierung bedürfen, erheblich zu komplex um kurze Simulationszeiten zu erlauben. Hierbei kann die Modellordnungsreduktion zu einer erheblichen Reduktion der Simulationszeiten beitragen. Die hochgenauen FEM Modelle sollen dazu als I/O-Systeme formuliert und mittels moderner automatischer Parameter-erhaltender Ordnungsreduktionsverfahren auf eine Modelldimension verkleinert werden, die die schnelle Simulation erlaubt und vorgegebenen Genauigkeitsanforderungen genügt. DFG Transregio SFB 96 (starting this summer)
Non-Funded Projects
M.E.S.S. A software package for the numerical solution of matrix equations and related optimal control or model reduction problems.
Model Reduction of a Spindle Configuration with Piezo Actuators The FEM model is large, sparse and a second order differential euqation under algebraic constraints. This results in an index 1 descriptor system to be treated by an approach similar to the SLRCF-ADI by Rommes
Optimal Control-Based Feedback Stabilization in Multi-Field Flow Problems The goal in this project is the derivation and analysis of numerical algorithms for the stabilization of multi-field-flow problems via boundary control based on linear quadratic optimal control methods. DFG project in priority program 1253 (since 11/2006)
Simulation of the Glyphosate Aerial Spray Drift at the Ecuador-Colombia border The main goals of this project are the developement of an (inverse) numerical simulation for the transport of herbicide sprays and its analysis. Main concern in the analysis is whether the protected 10km zone around the border, in which by agreement of the two governments no spraying is alllowed, is sufficiently large and whether the aggreement has been violated. SENACYT project (since 06/2009)