November 22 System-theoretic Model Reduction for Nonlinear Systems
Schwerpunktskolloquium Analysis und Numerik
Universität Konstanz, Germany.
October 30 System-theoretic Model Reduction for Nonlinear Systems
Kolloquium der Arbeitsgruppe Modellierung • Numerik • Differentialgleichungen
TU Berlin, Germany.
June 18 - 22 Krylov Subspace Recycling for Faster Model Reduction Algorithms
Minisymposium MS 39 - Challenges for the solution and preconditioning of multiple linear systems, SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra
Valencia, Spain.
March 5 - 9 Numerical Computation of Robust Controllers for Parabolic Systems
Minisymposium Optimal Control of PDEs - Methods and Applications, 5th International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing
Hanoi, Vietnam.