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Computational Methods in Systems and Control Theory

CSC Welcome Colloquium


Prof. Dr. Peter Benner, Renate Wagner, Janine Holzmann

The colloquium is dedicated to our new director Prof. Peter Benner. We continue the colloquium on Friday with mathematical talks presenting selected topics of Peter Benner's research group.

General Information

Room: MPI Magdeburg, V0.05
Date: 11/04/2010 - 11/05/2010
Time Name Title of the Talk
16:00Prof. Kai SundmacherBegrüßung
16:15Prof. Klaus Erich PollmannGrußwort
16:30Prof. Wolfgang HackbuschGroßskalige Tensorarithmetik
17:15Prof. Peter BennerRegeln, Steuern, Optimieren: Kompakte Modelle für komplexe Systeme
09:00Thomas MachHierarchical Matrices: Concepts, Applications and Eigenvalues
09:30Patrick KürschnerModern Numerical Methods for Large-Scale Eigenvalue Problems
10:00Dr. Lihong FengModel Order Reduction of Parametric Systems
10:30Tobias BreitenNonlinear Model Reduction Based on Generalized Moment-Matching
11:00Coffee Break & Poster Session
11:30Dr. René SchneiderFrom Simulation to Optimization: Discrete Adjoint Equations
12:00Dr. Martin StollSaddle Point Systems in Optimal Control
12:30Dr. Jens SaakMPI at MPI

©2024, Max Planck Society, Munich
Jens Saak, saak@mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de
08 December 2010