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@TECHREPORT{BenLMV13, author = {Peter Benner and Philip Losse and Volker Mehrmann and Matthias Voigt}, title = {Numerical Solution of Eigenvalue Problems for Alternating Matrix Polynomials and Their Application in Control Problems for Descriptor Systems}, institution = {Max Planck Institute Magdeburg}, type = {Preprint}, number = {MPIMD/13-24}, month = {December}, year = {2013}, note = {Available from \url{https://www.mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de/preprints/2013/24/}}, } | Numerical Solution of Eigenvalue Problems for Alternating Matrix Polynomials and Their Application in Control Problems for Descriptor Systems; Benner, Peter; Losse, Philip; Mehrmann, Volker; Voigt, Matthias; 2013. Preprint MPIMD/13-24. |
@TECHREPORT{BenSV13a, author = {Peter Benner and Vasile Sima and Matthias Voigt}, title = {{FORTRAN} 77 Subroutines for the Solution of Skew-{H}amiltonian/{H}amiltonian Eigenproblems -- {P}art {I}: Algorithms and Applications}, institution = {Max Planck Institute Magdeburg}, type = {Preprint}, number = {MPIMD/13-11}, month = {July}, year = {2013}, note = {Available from \url{https://www.mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de/preprints/2013/11/}}, } | FORTRAN 77 Subroutines for the Solution of Skew-Hamiltonian/Hamiltonian Eigenproblems - Part I: Algorithms and Applications; Benner, Peter; Sima, Vasile; Voigt, Matthias; 2013. Submitted, also available as preprint MPIMD/13-11. |
@TECHREPORT{BenSV13b, author = {Peter Benner and Vasile Sima and Matthias Voigt}, title = {{FORTRAN} 77 Subroutines for the Solution of Skew-{H}amiltonian/{H}amiltonian Eigenproblems -- {P}art {II}: Implementation and Numerical Results}, institution = {Max Planck Institute Magdeburg}, type = {Preprint}, number = {MPIMD/13-12}, month = {July}, year = {2013}, note = {Available from \url{https://www.mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de/preprints/2013/12/}}, } | FORTRAN 77 Subroutines for the Solution of Skew-Hamiltonian/Hamiltonian Eigenproblems - Part II: Implementation and Numerical Results; Benner, Peter; Sima, Vasile; Voigt, Matthias; 2013. Submitted, also available as preprint MPIMD/13-12. |
@ARTICLE{BenSV12a, author = {Peter Benner and Vasile Sima and Matthias Voigt}, title = {$\mathcal{L}_\infty$-Norm Computation for Continuous-Time Descriptor Systems Using Structured Matrix Pencils}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, volume = {57}, number = {1}, pages = {233--238}, month = {Jan.}, year = {2012}, publisher = {IEEE}, doi = {10.1109/TAC.2011.2161833}, } | L∞-Norm Computation for Continuous-Time Descriptor Systems Using Structured Matrix Pencils; Benner, Peter; Sima, Vasile; Voigt, Matthias; IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control : Vol. 57, No. 1, pp. 233 - 238; IEEE; 2012. ISBN/ISSN: 0018-9286 DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2011.2161833. |
@INPROCEEDINGS{BenSV12b, author = {Peter Benner and Vasile Sima and Matthias Voigt}, title = {Robust and Efficient Algorithms for $\mathcal{L}_\infty$-Norm Computation for Descriptor Systems}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design}, pages = {195--200}, month = {June}, year = {2012}, publisher = {IFAC}, address = {Aalborg, Denmark}, doi = {10.3182/20120620-3-DK-2025.00114}, } | Robust and Efficient Algorithms for L∞-Norm Computation for Descriptor Systems; Benner, Peter; Sima, Vasile; Voigt, Matthias; Proceedings of the 7th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design : pp. 195 - 200; IFAC; 2012. DOI: 10.3182/20120620-3-DK-2025.00114. |
@INPROCEEDINGS{BenV11b, author = {Peter Benner and Matthias Voigt}, title = {$\mathcal{L}_\infty$-Norm Computation for Discrete-Time Descriptor Systems}, booktitle= {Tagungsband des GMA-Fachausschusses 1.30 \glqq Modellbildung, Identifikation und Simulation in der Automatisierungstechnik\grqq}, pages = {228--240}, editor = {Oliver Sawodny and J\"urgen Adamy}, month = {December}, year = {2011}, publisher = {Technische Universit\"at Darmstadt, Institut f\"ur Automatisierungstechnik und Mechatronik}, isbn = {978-3-9815012-1-6}, } | L∞-Norm Computation for Discrete-Time Descriptor Systems; Benner, Peter; Voigt, Matthias; in Sawodny, Oliver; Adamy, Jürgen: Tagungsband des GMA-Fachausschusses 1.30 „Modellbildung, Identifikation und Simulation in der Automatisierungstechnik“ : pp. 228 - 240; Technische Universität Darmstadt, Institut für Automatisierungstechnik und Mechatronik; 2011. ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-9815012-1-6 |
@MASTERSTHESIS{Voi10, author = {Matthias Voigt}, title = {$\mathcal{L}_\infty$-Norm Computation for Descriptor Systems}, school = {Chemnitz University of Technology, Faculty of Mathematics, Germany}, month = {July}, year = {2010}, type = {Diploma Thesis}, url = {https://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:ch1-201001050}, } | L∞-Norm Computation for Descriptor Systems; Voigt, Matthias; 2010. Diploma Thesis, Faculty of Mathematics, TU Chemnitz. |
@inproceedings{BLMPR08, title={Gamma-Iteration for Descriptor Systems Using Structured Matrix Pencils}, author={P. Benner and P. Losse and V. Mehrmann and L. Poppe and T. Reis}, year=2008, booktitle={Proceedings of the International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems}, adress={Blacksburg VA, USA} } | Gamma-Iteration for Descriptor Systems Using Structured Matrix Pencils P. Benner, P. Losse, V. Mehrmann, L. Poppe, T. Reis; Proceedings MTNS08 : 2008. |
@article{LosMPR08, author = {P. Losse and V. Mehrmann and L. Poppe and T. Reis}, title = {The modified optimal $\mathcal{H}_\infty$ control problem for descriptor systems}, journal = {SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization}, volume = {47 (6)}, pages={2795--2811}, year = {2008} | The modified optimal H∞ control problem for descriptor systems; P. Losse, V. Mehrmann, L. Poppe; T. Reis; SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization : Vol.47, No.6, pp.2795-2811; SIAM; 2008. ISBN/ISSN: 0363-0129 |
@techreport{LosMPR07, author = {P. Losse and V. Mehrmann and L. Poppe and T. Reis}, title = {Robust Control of Descriptor Systems}, institution= {Institut f{\"u}r Mathematik, TU Berlin}, type = {Preprint}, number = {2007/47}, address = {D-10623 Berlin, FRG}, year = {2007}, note ={{ t url: https://www.math.tu-berlin.de/preprints/}} } | Robust Control of Descriptor Systems; P. Losse, V. Mehrmann, L. Poppe, T. Reis; Preprint 2007/47 Fak. für Mathematik TU Berlin; 2007. |
P. Losse:
Optimale H∞-Regelung von Deskriptorsystemen unter Verwendung von Matrixbüscheln,
Elgersburger Arbeitstagung, Elgersburg, Deutschland, 11.2.-14.2.2008.
P. Losse:
Gamma-Iteration for Descriptor Systems Using Structured Matrix Pencils,
MTNS 2008, Blacksburg VA, USA, 28.7.-1.8.2008.
M. Voigt:
L∞-Norm Computation for Descriptor Systems, Treffen des GAMM-Fachausschusses ,,Dynamik und Regelungstheorie'' , Berlin, Deutschland, 16.04.-17.04.2010.
M. Voigt:
L∞-Norm Computation for Discrete-Time Descriptor Systems, Treffen des GMA-Fachausschusses 1.30: ,,Modellbildung, Identifikation und Simulation in der Automatisierungstechnik'', Anif/Salzburg, Österreich, 21.09.-23.09.2011.