The Benchmark Framework --
One Path to Standardize the Comparison of Numerical Methods DMV Jahrestagung 2022 FU Berlin
14. September 2022
Auto-adaptive Moment Matching-type (P)MOR via
low-rank (tensor) approximation GAMM Jahrestagung 2022 Aachen
19. August 2022
Observations regarding single preconditioners for
sequences of shifted linear systems Preconditioning 2022 Chemnitz
9. Juni 2022
Kompakte thermo-mechanische Modelle zur schnellen Simulation von Werkzeugmaschinen unter Berücksichtigung von Komponenten mit nichtlinearem Verhalten GMA Workshop des FA 1.30 Anif (Salzburg)
22. September 2021
Basics of Systems and Control Theory for pyMOR pyMOR Online Course 2020 online
30. September 2020
Fighting the Reproducibility Crisis -- Sustainable research software and RRR for computer-based experiments COMPUTE Seminar Lund
21. April 2020
M-M.E.S.S.-2.0 — The “Matrix Equations, Sparse Solvers” toolbox for MATLAB® and GNU Octave ... and others GMA Workshop des FA 1.30 Anif (Salzburg)
25. September 2019
On the solution of systems of matrix integral equations in parametric model order reduction ICIAM 2019 Valencia
16. July 2019
Performance Evaluation in modern HPC: Where FLOPS meet Energy! Special Lecture on Scientific Computing Bath
15. April 2019
Sustainable development of research software GAMM Jahrestagung 2019 Wien
19. Februar 2019
Towards high performance IRKA on hybrid CPU-GPU systems GAMM ANLA Workshop 2018 Lund
10. Oktober 2018
An Open Source Description for (Semi-)Automatic Generation and Model Reduction of Machine Tool Network Models Model Order Reduction of Coupled Systems Stuttgart
24. Mai 2018
Model reduction of constrained mechanical systems in M-M.E.S.S. 9th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD 2018) Wien
22. Februar 2018
Towards high performance IRKA on hybrid CPU-GPU systems GAMM ANLA Workshop 2017 Köln
7. September 2017
Accelerated Gramian Computation for Dynamical Systems on Modern Hardware GAMM Jahrestagung 2017 Ilmenau @ Weimar
8. März 2017
Replicability, Reproducibility and Reusability for Model Order Reduction (RRR4MOR) 3rd Workshop on Model reduction of Complex Dynamical Systems (ModRed 2017) Odense (Dänemark)
12. Januar 2017
On the accelerated solution of dense matrix equations on modern hardware ILAS 2016 Leuven (Belgien)
12. Juli 2015
On Preconditioning of Real Linear Systems of Equations with Complex Shifts GAMM Jahrestagung 2016 Braunschweig (Deutschland)
8. März 2016
Zeitbereichs-MOR ist nur Momentenabgleich mit schlechten Entwicklungspunkten GMA FA1.40 Workshop Anif (Österreich)
25. September 2015
Solving large-scale differential matrix equations Workshop on Matrix Equations and Tensor Techniques Bologna (Italien)
22. September 2015
Productivity-Quality-Energy a Conflict Triangle Requiring PMOR of Machine Tool Models SFB/Transregio 96 SCICADE 2015 Potsdam (Deutschland)
18. September 2015
On an inexact Newton-ADI solver for algebraic Riccati equations related to the LQR problem for linearized Navier-Stokes equations Joint Workshop of ALAMA and GAMM/ANLA 2014 Barcelona (Spain)
14.-16. Juli 2014
The FlexiBLAS Library for Easy Switsching of BLAS Implementations in Scientific Computing Parallel Matrix Analysis and Applications 2014 Lugano (Switzerland)
2.-4. Juli 2014
Modellreduktion für strukturierte Index-3-Systeme GMA Workshop des FA 1.30 Anif (Salzburg)
20. September 2013
Recent advances in low rank ADI for Lyapunov equations GAMM Jahrestagung 2013 Novi Sad (Serbien)
18.-22. März 2013
Model Order Reduction for Thermo-Elastic
Assembly Group Models GAMM Workshop on Dynamics and Control Anif (Salzburg)
19. September 2012
Towards a GPU Add-On for the M.E.S.S. XII GAMM Workshop on Applied an Numerical Linear Algebra Chateau Liblice (CZ) ,
02.-05. September 2012
A Survey on Newton-ADI Based Solvers for Large Scale AREs SIAM ALA 2012 Valencia,
22. Juni 2012
Numerische Lösung großer, dünn besetzter Matrix-Gleichungen zur Modellordnungsreduktion Regelungstechnisches Seminar TU München,
09. Mai 2012
Reduced Order State Space Modeling of Piezo-Mechanical Systems GAMM Jahrestagung 2012 TU Darmstadt,
26.-30 März 2012
AG Simulation und Parametrierung Bericht TP A06 SFB/Transregio 96 2-te Mitgliederversammlung des SFB/TR 96 Fraunhofer IWU Chemnitz,
19.-20 März 2012
On the Implementation of an Inexact Low
Rank Kleinman-Newton Iteration for large and Sparse Riccati Equations GAMM ANLA Workshop on Matrix Equations and Tensor Techniques RWTH Aachen,
21.-22. Dezember 2011
A Goal Oriented Low Rank Dual ADI
Iteration for Balanced Truncation GAMM Workshop on
Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra Universität Bremen,
22. September 2011
Acceleration of Newton-based Methods for
Solving Large Sparse Algebraic Riccati Equations ILAS 2011,Braunschweig
23. August 2011
Numerical Solution of Linear Quadratic
Regulator Problems under PDE Constraints J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek Osijek (Kroatien),
05. Mai 2011
Optimal Control-Based Feedback Stabilization in Multi-Field Flow
Problems SPP1253 Jahrestagung Kardinal-Döpfner-Haus Freising,
12.-14. September 2010
A Suboptimality Estimate for the Semi-Discretized Feedback Control of Parabolic PDEs Workshop on Recent Trends in Mathematics Related to PDE Constrained Optimization 2010 Universität Paderborn
22.-23. April 2010
Suboptimality Estimation for the Semi-Discretized LQR Problem for Parabolic PDEs
GAMM Jahrestagung 2010 Karlsruhe Institute of Technonolgy;
- 26. März 2010
Balanced Truncation based MOR for Large Scale Second Order Systems
Kolloquium der Arbeitsgruppe Modellierung • Numerik • Differentialgleichungen TU Berlin;
03. November 2009
Recent Advances and Future Challenges in the ADI Based Numerical Solution of Large-Scale Matrix Equations
Third 1-day workshop on Matrix Equations TU Braunschweig;
09. Oktober 2009
Numerical Methods for linear quadratic regulator systems with parabolic PDEs
SIAM Student Chapter Trier Uni Trier;
03. März 2009
Efficient Balancing based MOR for Second
Order Systems Arising in Control of Machine Tools
MathMod 2009 TU Wien;
11. - 13. Februar 2009
Efficient solution of large scale
Lyapunov and Riccati equations arising in model order reduction
GAMM Jahrestagung 2008 Universität Bremen;
31. März
- 4. April 2008
Efficient numerical solution of
large scale matrix equations arising in LQR/LQG design for parabolic
PDE Constrained Optimization - recent challenges and
future developments Universität Hamburg;
27. - 29. März
Efficient Implementation of Large Scale Lyapunov and Riccati Equation Solvers
Computational Methods with applications 2007;
Harrachov (Czech Republic);
20.-25. August 2007
Application of LQR Techniques to the Adaptive Control of Quasilinear Parabolic PDEs
ICIAM 2007;
ETH Zürich;
16.-20 Juli 2007
Numerische Verfahren zur optimalen Steuerung
von parabolischen PDEs
Workshop Mathematische Systemtheorie Elgersburg (Thüringen);
Hotel am Wald Elgersburg;
18.-22. Februar 2007
ADI shift parameter computation for large scale algebraic Riccati
and Lyapunov equations arising in the LQR problem for parabolic PDEs
ALA2006 Düsseldorf; Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf
Düsseldorf, 23.-27. Juli 2006
On Adi Parameters For Solving PDE
Control-related Matrix Equations;
GAMM Jahrestagung 2006; TU Berlin
Berlin, 27.-31. März 2006
Efficient numerical solution of large scale LQR problems
arising in the optimal control of parabolic
PDEs; German-Polish Workshop for Young Researchers in Applied
and Numerical
Linear Algebra; Mathematical Research and Conference Center
Bedlewo (Poland), 02.-04. Februar 2006
An LQR approach to tracking control for parabolic systems
18th Chemnitz FEM Symposium; Fakultät für Mathematik
Techische Universität Chemnitz
Schöneck 19.-21. September 2005
An LQR approach to tracking control for parabolic systems
Workshop on PDE Constrained Optimization
Center for International Mathematics
Tomar (Portugal), 26.-29. Juli 2005
Effizientes numerisches Lösen des LQR-Problems für die
Sdostdeutsches Kolloquium;
Institut für Angewandte Mathematik der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Jena, 14. Mai 2004
Efficient numerical solution of the LQR-problem for the heat
equation GAMM Jahrestagung 2004; Technische Universität Dresden
Dresden, 21.-27. März 2004