November 28 - 30 |
Numerical Computation of Robust Controllers for Incompressible Flow Problems
Invited talk at Workshop on Feedback Control, Special Semester on Optimization
RICAM, Linz, Austria.
November 25 - 27 |
Mathematics at the Computational Methods in Systems and Control Theory Department at MPI DCTS
Developments in the Mathematical Sciences 2019 (DIMS 2019)
MPI MIS, Leipzig, Germany.
November 22 - 23 |
Computational Methods for Feedback Control of Flow Problems
Invited talk at Workshop on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing - on the occasion of Prof. Eberhard Bänsch's 60th birthday
Erlangen, Germany.
November 20 - 22 |
Realization-independent Reduced-order Modeling of (Second-order) Dynamical Systems
Invited talk at 5th International Workshop on Reduced Basis, POD and PGD Model Reduction Techniques (MORTech 2019)
FIAP Jean Monnet Conference Center, Paris, France.
November 6 - 8 |
On the Solution of the Nonsymmetric T-Riccati Equation
8th Workshop on Matrix Equations and Tensor Techniques (METT VIII)
MPI Magdeburg, Germany.
October 24 - 25 |
Data-Enhanced Reduced-Order Modeling of Dynamical Systems
Invited talk at GAMM Workshop on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Data Science (CoMinDS2019)
Berlin, Germany.
September 13 |
Minimal Realization and Model Reduction of Structured Systems
Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing Seminar
Courant Institute, New York University, New York City, USA.
August 28 - 30 |
Localized Balanced Truncation
4th Workshop on Model Reduction of Complex Dynamical Systems (MODRED 2019)
KFU Graz, Graz, Austria.
July 15 - 19 |
System-Theoretic Model Reduction for Nonlinear (Parametric) Systems
Minisymposium MS FE-1-G 9 -Recent Advancements in Model Reduction for Stochastic and Nonlinear Systems at
9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics - ICIAM 2019
Valencia, Spain.
July 18 |
Low-rank Tensor Methods for Optimal Control of Uncertain Flow Problems
Minisymposium MS A6-1-1 8 - PDE-constrained optimization under uncertainty at
9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics - ICIAM 2019
Valencia, Spain.
June 11 |
Low-rank Tensor Methods for Uncertain PDE-constrained Optimization
Kolloquium des Departments Mathematik
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany.
June 6 |
Recent Advances in Model Order Reduction of Delay Systems
Minisymposium Model Order Reduction for Complex Dynamical Systems
TU Eindhoven, Netherlands.
May 27 - 29 |
On the Solution of the Nonsymmetric T-Riccati Equation
Minisymposium at
Conference "Recent Advances in Scientific Computation"
Santa Margherita di Pula, Italy.
April 4 |
Low-rank Tensor Methods for PDE-constrained Optimization under Uncertainty
Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa, Italy.
February 25 - March 1 |
Efficient Numerical Methods for Gas Network Modeling and Simulation
Minisymposium MS216 - Mathematical Methods for Control and Optimization of Large-scale Energy Networks at
SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering
Spokane, WA, USA.
February 25 - March 1 |
System-Theoretic Model Order Reduction for Classes of Nonlinear Systems
Minisymposium MS267 - Model Reduction and Reduced-order Modeling of Dynamical Systems at
SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering
Spokane, WA, USA.
February 8 |
Numerical Solution of Matrix Equations Arising in DSGE Models
Centre of Policy Studies (CoPS)
Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia.
January 31 |
Low-rank Tensor Methods for PDE-constrained Optimization under Uncertainty
Applied & Computational Mathematics Seminar
National University of Singapore, Singapore.