November 28 - 30 Numerical Computation of Robust Controllers for Incompressible Flow Problems
Invited talk at Workshop on Feedback Control, Special Semester on Optimization
RICAM, Linz, Austria.
November 25 - 27 Mathematics at the Computational Methods in Systems and Control Theory Department at MPI DCTS
Developments in the Mathematical Sciences 2019 (DIMS 2019)
MPI MIS, Leipzig, Germany.
November 22 - 23 Computational Methods for Feedback Control of Flow Problems
Invited talk at Workshop on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing - on the occasion of Prof. Eberhard Bänsch's 60th birthday
Erlangen, Germany.
November 20 - 22 Realization-independent Reduced-order Modeling of (Second-order) Dynamical Systems
Invited talk at 5th International Workshop on Reduced Basis, POD and PGD Model Reduction Techniques (MORTech 2019)
FIAP Jean Monnet Conference Center, Paris, France.
November 6 - 8 On the Solution of the Nonsymmetric T-Riccati Equation
8th Workshop on Matrix Equations and Tensor Techniques (METT VIII)
MPI Magdeburg, Germany.
October 24 - 25 Data-Enhanced Reduced-Order Modeling of Dynamical Systems
Invited talk at GAMM Workshop on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Data Science (CoMinDS2019)
Berlin, Germany.
September 13 Minimal Realization and Model Reduction of Structured Systems
Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing Seminar
Courant Institute, New York University, New York City, USA.
August 28 - 30 Localized Balanced Truncation
4th Workshop on Model Reduction of Complex Dynamical Systems (MODRED 2019)
KFU Graz, Graz, Austria.
July 15 - 19 System-Theoretic Model Reduction for Nonlinear (Parametric) Systems
Minisymposium MS FE-1-G 9 -Recent Advancements in Model Reduction for Stochastic and Nonlinear Systems at 9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics - ICIAM 2019
Valencia, Spain.
July 18 Low-rank Tensor Methods for Optimal Control of Uncertain Flow Problems
Minisymposium MS A6-1-1 8 - PDE-constrained optimization under uncertainty at 9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics - ICIAM 2019
Valencia, Spain.
June 11 Low-rank Tensor Methods for Uncertain PDE-constrained Optimization
Kolloquium des Departments Mathematik
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany.
June 6 Recent Advances in Model Order Reduction of Delay Systems
Minisymposium Model Order Reduction for Complex Dynamical Systems
TU Eindhoven, Netherlands.
May 27 - 29 On the Solution of the Nonsymmetric T-Riccati Equation
Minisymposium at Conference "Recent Advances in Scientific Computation"
Santa Margherita di Pula, Italy.
April 4 Low-rank Tensor Methods for PDE-constrained Optimization under Uncertainty
Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa, Italy.
February 25 - March 1 Efficient Numerical Methods for Gas Network Modeling and Simulation
Minisymposium MS216 - Mathematical Methods for Control and Optimization of Large-scale Energy Networks at SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering
Spokane, WA, USA.
February 25 - March 1 System-Theoretic Model Order Reduction for Classes of Nonlinear Systems
Minisymposium MS267 - Model Reduction and Reduced-order Modeling of Dynamical Systems at SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering
Spokane, WA, USA.
February 8 Numerical Solution of Matrix Equations Arising in DSGE Models
Centre of Policy Studies (CoPS)
Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia.
January 31 Low-rank Tensor Methods for PDE-constrained Optimization under Uncertainty
Applied & Computational Mathematics Seminar
National University of Singapore, Singapore.