December 18 Mathematical Methods for Model Order Reduction of Linear and Nonlinear Systems
Tutorial at Workshop Greybox Models and Model Reduction
ITWM Kaiserslautern, Germany.
October 22 - 24 Computing Eigenvalues of ℋ(ackbusch) Matrices
Invited talk at International Symposium on Numerics and Scientific Computing
Schloss Bruchsal, Bruchsal, Germany.
October 17 System-Theoretic Model Reduction for Nonlinear Systems
Mathematical Colloquium
University of Bayreuth, Germany.
September 8 - 13 Numerical Solution of the Feedback Control Problem for Navier-Stokes Equations
Minisymposium On Optimal Feedback Control for Partial Differential Equations: Theory and Numerical Methods, IFIP TC 7 / 2013 System Modelling and Optimization
Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt, Austria.
July 22 - August 2 Matrix Equations and Model Reduction
12 lectures at Gene Golub SIAM Summer School 2013 - Matrix Functions and Matrix Equations
Fudan University, Shanghai, China.
July 2 System-Theoretic Model Reduction for Nonlinear Systems
Mathematical Colloquium
Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany.
June 24 - 26 Numerical Solution of Linear and Nonlinear Matrix Equations Arising in Stochastic and Bilinear Control Theory
Invited lecture at Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computation with Applications (NASCA13)
Calais, France.
May 13 - 17 Perspectives of Model Order Reduction for UQ
Invited lecture at Numerical Methods for Uncertainty Quantification Workshop
Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, University of Bonn, Germany.
April 26 System-Theoretic Model Reduction for Nonlinear Systems
Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing Seminar
Courant Institute, New York University, USA.
April 19 - 20 ADI for Sylvester Equations - Lothars Contributions and New Results -
New Frontiers in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing - A Conference on the occasion of Lothar Reichel's 60th birthday and on the 20th anniversary of ETNA
Kent State University, Ohio, USA.
March 18 - 22 The Symplectic Lanczos Process for Hamiltonian-Positive Matrices
GAMM Annual Meeting 2013
Novi Sad, Serbia.
February 11 - 14 On the Kalman-Yakubovich-Popov Lemma and its Application in Model Order Reduction
Invited lecture at Elgersburg Workshop on Mathematical Systems Theory
Elgersburg, Thüringen, Germany.
January 15 - 18 Linear and Nonlinear Matrix Equations Arising in Model Reduction
Invited lecture at International Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and its Applications - NLAA 2013
IIT Guwahati, India.